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Happy 2nd Anniversary To Us!

Happy 2nd anniversary to Rubenstein Impact Group! I’m so proud of the results we’ve been able to achieve for clients, applying our unique methods to dramatically increase actions and engagement. Seeing our work lead to meaningful (and sometimes life-changing) progress for their constituencies has been incredibly rewarding.

The fact that I launched my business on this date was no accident. Today is “March Forth” (fourth) and that phrase became my mantra as I made the decision to leave a great job and begin this adventure. (I started the company with nothing but a spreadsheet and 25 years of relationships.)

A heartfelt thank you to every client, partner, and supporter for accompanying me on this incredible journey. It’s been a true pleasure sharing this experience with you.

Looking ahead, I am super excited about Year 3 and would love to have you be part of it – as a client, collaborator or even just a great connection for bouncing around ideas. And if you’re an organization or company that wants to invest in its advocacy program but isn’t quite ready to move forward, let’s start a conversation now so you are fully prepared when the opportunity arises. If nothing else, I’d love to tell you about some of the fascinating ways I’m using AI to bolster client outcomes.

March forth!


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